Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Global Thinking and Civic Responsibility

How can students culminate a project?  How about a website! So that our 8th grade students could better understand philanthropy and the importance of civic responsibility they were asked to address one issue or concern either through an advocacy campaign, a fundraiser, or by donating their time to a cause and present their findings in the format of a website. 

Students investigated global issues through five main themes, listed below. They chose one theme to plan and carry out a service project related to that issue.
  • Diversity Community: Who Is My Neighbor?
  • Environment: Sustaining Our World
  • Global Education: Why Learn? 
  • Global Health: Hunger and Food around the Globe
  • Issues of Global Finance: Investing in Others
Student Reflections (click title to view projects)...
Global Health: Hunger And Food Around The Globe by Brooklyn, Tameyah, and Alex
"Me, Brooklyn and Tameyah had a bake sale and then made hygiene kits for the homeless. The best part of this project was being able to connect with others that we don't usually talk to or have a connection with. All the people we met were really nice and sweet when we were giving the care packages out. I loved being able to see the smile on their faces when we gave them the kit. The one thing I had a difficult time with was the baking because we had troubles with cooking them right and how they came out. But in the end we sold almost all of our baking goods, so I would say we did great! I am happy Ms.Music assigned this project, because it allowed us to think outside of the box and look from a different view point." by Alex W.

Global Health: Hunger and Food around the Globe by Hiya, Makenzie, Jackie, and Isha
"KCRA3 Kids Can Food Drive
How can we help people without enough food around the community? This community service project made me think a lot about all the problems in the world. It feels good to solve one problem and make a difference at least in the community. There were many challenges especially in making decisions on what we would fundraise for. I feel that the outcome was great and am happy that I got a chance to do this and help the world. I feel that this is a very good deed to do for the community and around the globe. The best highlight of this project was working together and having fun and even being happy to help out. With friends, you feel more of an enjoyment when you are doing a community service project!" by Hiya P.
"In this project we had many challenges and decisions that had to be made. Our project was on Issues of Global Finance: Investing in Others. When we went to and ideas document on how to set up our fundraisers. In my mid people loved to see volleyball games so in my head I was thinking that if I could set up a J.V vs Varsity the this would bring profits for the non-profit through the roof. So I talked to Mr. Shane that day and he thought that would be a great idea. So we figured out a date and time, entry fee, plus all of the other details. Then on September 29th we did our fundraiser and made over $120 for our organization. I felt after this project that I did something good for the community and the world. Homelessness should be a better distinguished problem that people should know about. We made one small step into defeating homelessness." by Antonio V.

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