Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Science and Innovation Fair

Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth graders brought in projects based on the theme: Inventions! Science and Engineering Solutions to Solve Real-World Problems last week at our annual Science Fair. This year, we renamed it Science and Innovation Fair to further emphasis that our fair would not be the same old science fair model. Students were challenged to create and think about world problems using science and tech.

Some students designed 3D prototypes of their inventions in Tinkercad to print out on our 3D printer.

We also incorporated "Innovation Stations" in which students talked about the technology we've been using in class for Science and Technology. They demonstrated how the 3D printer works.  They also showed how to use Makey Makey to control Pac-Man game. Foldscopes were also a hit with students showing their parents and younger siblings how to use the origami microscopes developed by Stanford that we have been helping beta test this year.

What really makes this PBL to me is the amount of ownership that students had in it as well as connections to the real world. From choosing what world issue was important to them to dreaming up high-tech solutions and designing their own creations, students were in the drivers' seats.They were really invested and had to make connections to real world problems (along with emerging technologies). They also ran the Innovation Station tours explaining their work to the community. Here's a link to what two sixth graders wrote about the event in our sixth grade blog "Proud to be LE":

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