Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Haitian Pen Pals Project

LE 6th graders and their Haitian pen pals

LE Sixth graders have been participating in a cultural pen pal exchange with the Sunlight Academy in Haiti.  In this project, students engage in a collaborative learning experience. Through letter exchanges, students learn about the daily lives, cultures, climates and geography of children who live in another region of the world. 
Our essential questions for this project are :
  1. How am I similar and different from my Pen Pal?
  2. How do the physical and climate differences in my  Pen Pal's region affect my Pen Pal's life?
  3. What affect does the culture in my Pen Pal?s region have on my ePal?s life?
Sarah Allen has been collaborating with us to create an Inside Out poster project that will be on display in the MPR for the first two weeks of February.  Inside Out was created by French photographer, J R.- and is a global photography art project transforming messages of personal identity into works of art. In our project we are pairing  LE students with their Haitian counterparts. The portraits are unique and fun - celebrating the kids commonalities as well as their differences.

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