Thursday, October 30, 2014

Project: SMILE (Student Made Inspirations at the Leading Edge

Recent personal experience has driven me to find a way to have our students create art for others in need to help put a smile on their face. So far, I emailed Shriners Hospital, UCD Children's Hospital and Sutter Memorial. The responses I have received all pointed out that in order to maintain  a sterile environment in the hospital means they cannot accept hand made art (since it cannot be washed). Makes sense.
So I decided to shift my focus on people outside of the hospital that still need a smile. I am thinking of foster children, the elderly, disaster relief families- these are all potential people who get displaced from their homes and may benefit from having artwork displayed in their new environment. Here is an email i sent out to all of the agencies mentioned above. I am excited to see if there is a niche out there for our kiddos!


I am a middle school art teacher and have an idea for my students to make themed based art on canvases that would be for foster/adopted children's bedrooms.

I have no idea how fostering a child works, but if I were a foster child going into a strange, new house, it would comfort me if I had a room that was decorated with things that interested me. My students are skilled artists who would like to contribute their artwork to provide comfort for children.

My students could paint themed artwork on canvas that would be easy to hang. Some examples of themed art includes: Seasons, Celebrations, Animals, Wild West, Fantasy and Imagination, Trains, Skies, Sea, Space, Action and Adventure- the sky's the limit! These canvases would be donated to an organization that outsources goods/services to Foster Families. That is where I need help. I am not sure to whom we would send our artwork to and if this idea would even be valued.

I have tried reaching out to hospitals but they have very strict rules do to maintaining a sterile environment, which is totally understandable.

Do you think you can point me into the right direction for whom I may speak to directly about my idea?


~Jenell Novello

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